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#healthyeating Tag

When it comes to food, it doesn't matter! We should not limit ourselves to just one color. We literally should be eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Now keep in mind that some foods are very seasonal so when you can get them, I highly encourage you to enjoy them. Personally I love summer, because some of my favorite fruits are in season and

Yes really!  You might remember another post I wrote entitled your BFF - Belly Fat Freedom.  Didn't read it? Might I suggest you check it out. As mentioned in that article when we are dealing with the battle of the bulge its not just exercise that we need to focus on, but our nutrition is just at important. The following herbs have been know to help reach weight loss goals and they

Are you a vegetarian?  Do you find yourself eating high Carb meals?  Or are you contemplated going vegetarian but aren't sure what/how to replace your primary source of protein, meat and/or fish? Have you ever wonder could you maintain an "active" life and be vegetarian?  Great keep reading!  All humans need protein, amino acids and useful stuff in your body and there are plenty of ways for us to get it. Useful

Do you remember being told to eat your Spinach as a child, so you could grow up and be big and strong like Popeye? Well now that we are big and strong adults, we should add a variety of other green veggies to your menu. Here are a few varieties for you to select from and I've added a recipe for Dandelion Greens at the bottom.  Enjoy! Arugula - Provides more