What’s the best Cardio Activity for your Body?
As you maneuver within this fitness game, reading magazines, stuff on the internet, maybe getting advice from trainers or friends, you might find yourself slightly confused. Especially when it comes down to the best way to burn the calories and increase your cardiovascular capacity and burning fat. Is there a difference between Steady-state work like running for a specific time and pace or HIIT taking short bouts of time to work
Say Hello to your new BFF – Belly Fat Freedom!
I am sure everyone reading this has at one point or another looked down or in the mirror at your belly and said "If I can just get rid of "this" right here!" Including yours truly! Yup Even I, your respected Fitness Guru have had that thought a time or two. So lets talk Belly Fat and what we can do about it. Why, how do we develop the extra cushion around