10 Steps to Supercharge Any Exercise Program
Have you ever or are you currently in a fitness rut? You know that place where it seems time and results are a thing of the past, or have you fallen off the wagon completely. Let’s face it we’ve all been there before. The key is to not let the rut bring you down. Here are a few things to keep in mind and tips to help you move on successfully.
If you are in a complete rut and you are about to make a comeback its important you understand what you and your body are up against. When we are inactive our body is bound to go through several changes, like:
- Aerobic power can decline about five to ten percent in three weeks. Yup that is why you feel winded. Trust me after a two weeks vacation I’ve come back to spin class thinking wait a minute aren’t I suppose to be the fit one here!
- It takes about two months of inactivity to completely lose the gains you’ve made. But LISTEN don’t let that change discourage you. You can totally get back on track if that is what you want.
- Muscular strength and endurance lasts longer than aerobic fitness. Which means you might not be tired physically but winded which makes you feel tired overall. So I say all this to remind yourself to push through!
- Muscles retain a memory of exercises for weeks or even months. Like ridding a bike it will come back to you. Ok so it may not be pretty at first but hey have you ever seen a house under construction? It looks and usually is a total mess until you start to see the pieces come together.
Here are 10 tips you can use:
- Lay out your clothes the night before. It helps when you can see your stuff ready to go and it makes for less time trying to figure it out and more time to working out. Going to the gym that evening? Pack your gym bag, including water and pre-workout snack, the night before. And set it by the door!
- Take a thirty-day challenge. This is a great way to find commitment again to your fitness needs/wants. If everyday is too much give every other day a shot. Bottom Line Do Something!
- Make an accountability team. Find a gym, online group, or friends who will hold you accountable. If you’re not ready to commit to a long-term challenge, working out on the same days each week will help to make fitness seem like a given, rather than an option. I’m a part of an accountability team as the fitness motivator and these ladies seem to enjoy the extra support.
- Break it down. Breaking goals down into achievable steps will make them seem less daunting. If thirty minutes a day is too much to take on, consider three sessions of ten minutes of exercise until you get going again. Baby steps are way better then no steps at all.
- Buddy up. Commit to working out with a friend or join a class or group. Having someone hold you accountable, and vice versa, works wonders for keeping you committed to your workouts. Its also a great motivator on those days when you might not “feel” like working out. Knowing someone is waiting for you is a huge help.
- Plan ahead of time. Don’t leave your workout to fate. Plan out what you are going to do, and when you are going to do it. Otherwise, the powerful and almighty god of procrastination my creep in and have you saying: “I’ll just workout tomorrow.”
- Let go of expectations. Just because you’re not feeling up to a hour-long routine, don’t skip the workout. Even a little exercise, like a twenty-minute bike ride, a walk with a friend or man’s best friend will keep your brain programmed to your fitness schedule. Give my Free workouts a try on YouTube. I offer all different levels, body part focuses and lengths like 7 minutes. If you don’t exercise at all, it won’t seem like a big deal to skip another workout in the future so DO SOMETHING!
- Stay Positive. Don’t be negative Nancy, its hard to get over the hump when all you can hear in your head is Why this, or I use to be, back in the day etc. etc. Every time you put on those workout clothes and do something you are one step closer to your goal.
- Take it Step by Step. Meaning don’t try to take on too much at once. This is such a common mistake people make when it comes to fitness, food and living a healthier/fitter life. Remember Rome was not built in a day and even though we are busting out… Lets do it brick by brick.
- Give it Time. Patience Daniel Son, Patience! Its like when Mr Miyagi was teaching the Karate Kid how to fight and prepare for the championship. Daniel may not have understood how all the pieces would come together in the end but they did and he was Victorious the same as you will be.
So go ahead call a friend, grab your workout bag, log on to YouTube, unfreeze your gym membership, go for a walk. With support, focus, determination and balance this rut you are in will be a thing of the past.