15 Simple Healthy Eating Tips
I am sure you have heard a lot about eating healthy etc. Well I’ve complied 15 tips you can follow to keep you on track of living a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to copy and post it on your desk or somewhere you can easily refer to.
- Roast meat and vegetables in the oven instead of frying. You can roast pretty much anything in the oven in half an hour or less with only one teaspoon of olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Try to have at least one meatless day a week.
- Snack on fruit, vegetables and low fat plain yogurts instead of chips and chocolate bars. If you don’t like plain yogurts, try using fruit, berries, seeds, nuts, honey or cinnamon.
- Eat meals that are at least half vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten in pretty much unlimited amounts and can easily fill up a plate making a meal look larger.
- Use fresh sliced tomato or mashed avocado instead of ketchup and mayo in sandwiches.
- Go whole grains when possible. Due to higher fiber contents whole grains take a lot longer to digest keeping you fuller longer. Eat oatmeal, quinoa, brown and wild rice, rye and wholegrain bread.
- When making rice or pasta, throw a couple of handfuls of frozen vegetables in e.g., peas, carrots, and broccoli to make the meal more nutritious and colorful.
- Use canned tuna for salads and baked potato toppings.
- Plan your meals – its essential. You will never make any good food related decisions when hungry, or when you are full for that matter. Plan ahead, even before you go shopping.
- Use smaller bowls and plates for every meal serving.
- Eat slower to eat less and get more satisfaction out of food. When you eat fast, your brain hasn’t got enough time to register “fullness” signals coming from your stomach and you end up eating more.
- Eat one piece of fruit with every breakfast. Turn it into a “Fruit of the day” challenge.
- Get used to drinking coffee and tea without sugar and water instead of soft drinks. Try using lemon and mint in your tea.
- Try to always sit down at a table and eat when possible instead of eating on the go or in front of the TV.
- If you are going to have a dessert, have it at least an hour after the main meal to let your body deal with the food you have already eaten first.