20 Ways to Take Care of your Mind and Body
So I know Self-ful is not really a word. But today it is! Funny thing is anytime we “take time for self” we might be considered Selfish. What does Selfish really mean?
According to the Dictionary: (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure. Oh really now.
But wait a minute the suffix FUL means: “full of,” “characterized by” (shameful; beautiful; careful; thoughtful); “tending to,” “able to” ( wakeful; harmful); “as much as will fill”.
Some might jump on the idea that being Self-ful is being full of oneself. However notice the part about “tending to”! And viola……people. My new word Self-Ful means tending to our needs, mentally, emotionally, physically and maybe spiritually so we can continue to take care of those in and around our lives who depend on us.
Think about being on a airplane and hearing the part about the oxygen mask. I bet you know exactly what the flight attendant says: “Please put your mask on first before trying to assist others.”
We can’t expect to just keep going and going like the energizer bunny without taking a personal time out to recharge. Even the energizer has to change batteries after awhile. Being Self-Ful can help us avoid triggering health problems (like increasing our risk for heart problems due to excess stress). Not to mention it benefits us by improving our mental / physical health through better self-esteem and overall wellbeing.
There is no set perscription or magic combo of things you should be doing to add Self-ful acts into our lives. At the end of the day we should do at least 1 thing for our selves per day like:
- Get outside – Its does the body and the brain good. Take in your surroundings preferably in nature.
- Workout outside – Live in the Brooklyn area join my Summer Body Bootcamp or find a outdoor workout near you.
- Pay it forward – Doing something for someone else can boost our esteem and of course it makes the other person feel good to.
- Aromatherapy – Diffusing Essential Oils at home or in your office can boost focus, energy and more.
- Be Present – Doing our best let go of negativity and dwelling in the past which leads to a long list of shoulda, coulda, woulda’s.
- Meditate – You don’t have to sit still to meditate. Running is a great moving meditation I personally enjoy. For you it could be walking in silence or knitting.
- Do a Happy Dance – Oh this is my favorite…. you can catch me randomly dancing around in class and especially at home. Just because I can! And I really do.
- Pump up the Jams – Yes put on music that makes you smile, feel good and might even getting you moving and grooving. Then not only are you feeling good but you burn a few extra calories.
- Taste the Rainbow – No I don’t mean Skittles! Ha ha ha. Why not eat more fruits and veggies to boost our immune system and give us vitamins and minerals that do the body good.
- Shop Around – Yes, shopping can boost our mood. Be cautious that you don’t go crazy and then feel bad about the shopping. We don’t want to create a vicious cycle.
- Let’s get it On – Well not you and I, but have you ever heard that song Sexual Healing? Need I say more.
- Grab a Book – Yes reading is more then fundamental, it opens your imagination and sets you free from what is going on now. If you read the book 50 Shades of Grey you might be doing a bit of #12 and 11 in the same night. At least so I have been told.
- LOL – Yes Laugh out Loud! My dad, may he rest in peace, use to say “Just laugh it off”. He believed laughing was good medicine and the crazy part is he would just start laughing out of no where. Then we’d all laugh, because we were laughing at him, just laughing. I have to admit I miss that. I think he might have been the original LOL.
- Rest your eyes – Yes get a good nights’ sleep or take a catnap during the day to rejuvenate and regroup. Ok I am bringing up my dad again…but he was the king of “resting his eyes” AKA taking a nap and I’ve found myself joining the cat-napper nation.
- Get a Massage – My second favorite thing to do for me. What a feeling to lay down, let go and allow someone to rub the stress we tend to carry in our muscles away. I think I might schedule a massage right after I finishing writing this. You should too!
- Cuddle up – There is something to be said for taking time to snuggle up on the couch or a big comfy chair with someone you love. Cuddle time not an option, grab a hug from someone you love and hold dear to your heart.
- Say OM – Take a yoga class at your local studio, gym or in your own home. If you are short on time, check out a video online or string a few poses together yourself for a few minutes and enjoy a moment of stillness.
- UnPlug – Do you know how REFRESHING it is to not be glued to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Text etc. etc.
- Create a Sacred Space – If your home allows for it create a time out corner for yourself. Put things in that corner that make you feel good, candles, photos, essential oils, music, trinkets. Its your sacred space so let it reflect you and your needs. This space does not have to be big. Mine is at the end of my bed in front of the fire place.
- Pack your Bags – Yes take a trip! Even if its just a few hours away from home like upstate NY or the Shores or NJ. Getting away from our environment is good for us.
What do you plan to do this week to take better care of Self?