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5 Good Reasons for a Strong Core


5 Good Reasons for a Strong Core

Who remembers the infamous guy and term “The Situation”?  Have no idea what I am talking about, well if you ever watched Jersey Shore you might remember one of the cast members who called himself the situation based on the six pack of abdominal muscles he sported on a daily basis.  Many of us think of the abs as just that the SIX Pack of muscles you see.

The core is actually made up of three sheaths of muscles: The upper abs, the side muscles, which are called the obliques, and then this very deep layer of muscle. The deep muscles are the ones that do all the good stuff, like support your spine and act as a natural corset—so when you work them not only do you get a flatter stomach but a tighter stomach and less lumbar spine pain.

News Flash – Your mother yelling at you to sit up straight was really for your own good, not because she was being annoying. 🙂  It’s so much easier to build core strength now and just keep it up as you get older, so why not get started today and/or keep up the good work.

It’s not just about looking good in a bikini, its about taking care of our body for the everyday living and long term.  Here are some of the functions a well-developed core will help you perform:

  1. Computer Work: Sitting at a computer may seem easy, but it can put serious strain on your body. Developing a strong core helps to take stress off of your lower back and other body parts.
  2. Lifting: You may not be doing heavy lifting in the gym, however you still lift objects when you take out the trash, move furniture, or carry luggage or grocery bags into your home. A strong core will make routine lifting easier and will help you avoid minor injuries or strains.
  3. Running or Walking: Ask a competitive runners what’s a vital part of the body to develop to get to the finish and I guarantee he or she will say “a strong core.” Your core will help you take in more oxygen during every breath as well as help you keep balance while running or walking on uneven terrain. It also helps to support your body as you pound the pavement and gravity pushes into the earth at the same time.
  4. Posture: With a developed core, sitting and standing up straight is a much easier task. Lets be honest it also make you look 100% more attractive when you stand up straight.  Not to mention it shows your confidence, and as mentioned it also takes pressure off of your lower back.
  5. Sex:  Sex can be an extremely physical activity and if you have a strong core, you will be able to increase your stamina and perform better for longer periods of time.  I wonder will starting with some ab exercises together lead too more immediate sparks in the bedroom?  Let’s see…….

This is how we do it:

– Plank Hop
– Alternate Leg Drop with a Twist
– Reverse Crunch with Leg Extension
– Full Crunch – Arms extended
– Plank Crunch Combo

Click this link and let’s build a stronger core together!  Subscribe, Share and Come Back for MORE!