Cleansing – Clearing – Letting Go! PURA VIDA
It’s been a while since I’ve written on my site and to be honest, I’ve missed it. I love writing and even though it has literally been almost five years, too many years to be honest….well, I Am Back!
Maybe some of you have wondered what happened to my weekly comments, tips and words of encouragement. While some of you may not have missed me at all. Or this could be your first encounter with my written word. Well, Life Happened, like a ship at sail in the deep blue sea, I experienced high winds that took me off course into some turbulent waters. Those waters represented: sickness, death, taking care of others, heartache (given and taken), changes in my life status (professionally and personally), shame, guilt, depression and a significant fight to re-find myself along the way. At times the wind was non-existent and there went my motivation.
Imagine being on a boat and all you can see in any direction is water and you have no idea which way to go……..I felt like I was navigating through a hurricane of emotions, pain, disbelief and a deep questioning of who I was as a person. To include me questioning everything from my morals to standards, my character, as well as my beliefs. I learned a valuable lesson on vulnerability, trust, along with knowing when to listen to your gut and the Universe. I learned the need for True Honesty and Communication even when you think you are going to hurt someone’s feeling or you think you are protecting them. Of course communicating with someone you love should always be done with Love, with Patience, with Listening, Hearing, Feeling, Pondering, Kindness, Reflection, without ill intent and even with the Help of someone else.
I took a trip at the end of the year completely solo to Costa Rica as an opportunity for me to reconnect with my own inner voice and take care of the one person who has been neglected, broken, mistreated and needed time to heal, time to listen, feel, love, have patience and ponder over things. ME!
The day before my trip a friend sent me the following info in relation to my astrological sign. I am not big into reading my horoscope but man did these words come at a very interesting time. It reads: “Personal Growth through committing to the projects that encourage your maturity, integrity and self-respect.” I found it quite fitting because the trip I booked to Costa Rica was completely about personal growth and commitment to self. It represented for me an opportunity to take care of me, to do something for me, with just me, because I am always doing for others in my life. From my mom, grandparents, spouse, partner, friends, employer, co-workers, you name it. You can always count on me. Well that hasn’t changed you can still count on me, But….It was time for me to count on me!
I travel at least once a month for work and I hear the safety message so much I could be a flight attendant. We’ve all heard that part about putting on your oxygen mask first and THEN helping others. Well, it was time I listened to that message and help myself.
So Costa Rica here I come! Ready to take on a personal challenge, to find time to set myself free of useless emotional baggage I have been carrying around and to Live Life for me. Not for anyone else, not for work, not for family but for Taj, for ME. Funny thing is the motto of Costa Rica is Pura Vida, (Pure Life). It’s a part of their daily culture not only in how they live but when they speak. I immersed myself in the culture, speaking the language, living with a host family, taking public transportation with the locals, taking classes, exploring the city, making new friends, living pure and free.
They say if you pay attention to the universe you will hear her speak….mmmm, interesting. They day before I took this trip I read the above. On Jan 1st, the start of our new year and decade, I received another message: “Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows.” (Henry David Thoreau)
A few months ago I made it apart of my daily routine to meditate using a motivational app/quote. It just so happens I was in Costa Rica for New Years and decided to visit a natural volcano and hot springs river. (see picture above) During my three hour bus ride I meditated on this thought and gave myself permission to go with the flow and take it all in.
Take it all in… Yes Indeed I did! Words cannot describe how majestic this place is, from the energy you feel around you, the fresh air, the sounds of the birds, the sound of the river flowing with natural hot water full of minerals through the most lush land I have ever seen. I was in complete awe! Marveling at the world’s mystic wonders and embracing the fact that I made the best decision possible to be here on this day. Day 1 of year 2020. What a great way to clear, cleanse, let go and open up to my 2020 vision!
I found a spot to sit in the falls, I meditated, I reminisced, I cried, I let go and I took in. I reminded myself that my story was not over and that this was just another chapter in my life. I released what was not serving me at the moment and remembered I will always have memories for as long as a have a working brain, but I don’t have to dwell on the bad ones. I can learn from them and I can live with the good ones. At one point I laid down in the river and just allowed myself to float, to release, be light, to let go and go with the flow. I was reminded by nature that sometimes the river may be shallow and slow flowing and other times that same river can be strong and turbulent with steep falls. At one point while I was lying there, weightless in water that truly wasn’t too deep, listening to nature and allowing my anxieties to wash away if only for that moment; I was caught by a rock and the shallow part of the river bed against my butt. The water took no notice, but instead began to spin me in another direction, it continued to flow with me in it, doing its best to overcome the obstacle and take me along for the ride. Just like the river flowing beneath me, I have to learn to go with the flow, to move around the rocks, over the falls, through shallow and deep waters. I have to embrace my power as well as my calm, to know when to harness my majesty but also know when to give of myself: nurturing my surroundings and feeding those in need.
While meditating in the space I embraced the good, the bad as well as the indifferent in all that I have experienced. More importantly I recognized that as long as I live there will be more. But the difference is I believe, NO, I know, that I am in a different space mentally and emotionally to take on the good, the bad and the indifferent as they continue to come around.
I left this wondrous place feeling refreshed, renewed, ready and FREE to take the next steps in my healing process. I washed myself of strife, anxiety, negativity, anger, despair, shame and blame. I set my intentions for 2020, wrote them down and have my eyes on the prize. I am like that river: powerful and clear, focused and determined, strong and tranquil.
For me 2020 is summed up in 3 words: Ready – Set – Go!
- Vision : Clarity
- Focus : Crystal
- Drive : Roaring
I have been preparing to write this post for almost 2 months. 1. I had to learn how to navigate and use my website again after being on an extended hiatus. 2. I had to find time to sit, be still and write in between work and other life things. Today I woke up refreshed, feeling a sense of ease and even calm during these crazy times. I vowed today was the day, today was a perfect day 3-20-2020, the 1st day of Spring. The season of new beginnings, rebirth, blossoming flowers, budding trees, more animals at play, days getting longer and even showers to keep the earth clean and watered.
Today marked the day I would let my vision, focus and drive be known and share of myself. I am Springing out of my comfort zone and into a space where I am free to be me. I look forward to writing consistently and more.
Since Jan 1, 2020 when days seem bleak or gray or I feel I am at my wits end, I remind myself of my trip to Costa Rica, I remember being in that waterfall and I repeat : Go with the Flow – Ready, Set, Go!
Whatever you may be going through in life, may you find a space, a thing, a dance, a moment, your river/waterfall to help you to regroup and a mantra to help you continue on. To keep you moving forward towards your PURA VIDA! I dare you to join me!
You are welcome to remember: Go with the Flow – Ready, Set, Go!