Eat Your Greens
Do you remember being told to eat your Spinach as a child, so you could grow up and be big and strong like Popeye? Well now that we are big and strong adults, we should add a variety of other green veggies to your menu.
Here are a few varieties for you to select from and I’ve added a recipe for Dandelion Greens at the bottom. Enjoy!
- Arugula – Provides more nitrates the other veggies. Why do you care? Nitrates relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Basically Nitrates reduce your muscles need for oxygen during exercise do you don’t tire as quickly.
- Asparagus- Contain a unique kind of fiber that doesn’t break down in your digestive system until it arrives in the large intestine. Once there it may help your body absorb more nutrients. And its rich in vitamins that are good for your eyes.
- Bok Choy- 2 Cups of low calorie veggie deliver as much calcium as half a glass of milk. And proved about 80 percent of daily dose of Vitamin K
- Chard- Chard slows the rate at which carbs enter the blood stream. Its a top source of magnesium.
- Dandelion Greens- High in vitamin A, keeps the lining of airways healthy, the first line of defense against the common cold.
- Leeks- loaded is Flavonols, compounds that work to keep your blood vessels flexible and prevent clots.
Dandelion Greens with a Kick
1 pound dandelion greens, torn into 4-inch pieces
*photo courtesy of Rebel Dietitian
*recipe from All Recipes