How to be a Smart Shopper
You are what you eat, so it only makes sense that you think before you eat and even before that – plan and shop smart. Healthy grocery shopping is a skill that you can master. Once you do, it’ll help you make better eating choices, naturally. I can literally get in and out of the grocery store in 30 minutes, well of course that depends on the lines.
Here are some simple tips on how to get the maximum out of your shopping budget while getting the best stuff to make eating healthy effortless.
1. Never go grocery shopping on an empty or a full stomach:
When you are hungry you are likely to make snap decisions and pick all the wrong things
, quick meals and sweets instead of real food. Even someone with the best intentions will be tempted with a pie, muffin etc. when the hunger pangs kick in. The complete opposite happens when you go shopping when you have just eaten, you suddenly think you can survive on a few lettuce leaves and some water and end up not buying enough food for the week. So bottom line if you’ve just eaten wait about 30 – 60 minutes and if you haven’t eaten grab a snack before you head out.
2. Buy real fresh food:
If it’s been processed it’s not great for you. It’s been designed to look attractive and taste good, then it’s probably high in preservatives, sugar and salt. Don’t be fooled, you are not saving anything by buying ready made meals – neither time nor money, but you do lose out on the quality. Keep it as simple as possible, stay away from foods that have lots of additives and a whole list of unpronounceable ingredients in the info, this is not the food you are looking for – move along.
Get meat cuts, fish, whole fresh vegetables and fruit, grains, eggs and plain yogurts. You can do wonders in the kitchen in under 15-20 minutes if your fridge is stocked with these. I have made dinner in the morning before leaving to work in about 30 minutes. I’ll share a few recipes with you in future entries. Or check out my Foodie Friday posts.
If you have to buy ready-made meals use a simple rule: the shorter the list of the additives they contain on the packaging – the better it is for you.
3. Make a basic shopping list:
You don’t want to end up walking aimlessly around the supermarket thinking about what to buy and then falling for what is advertised as “healthy” or impulse buying. Or my favorite getting sucked into the save a lot sale but buying 10 of the same item… Why do I need 10 of anything unless I am cooking for a large party. Does your grocery store have these sales too?
The food you want is often the one that is not advertised at all. You want to get some vegetables and several types of fruit. Be careful not to get too many so they don’t spoil. Keep it simple and to the point buy what you know you are going to use.
- Fresh meat, poultry and fish in any way – grilled, steamed or boiled, makes a meal almost complete and you can always freeze it all for later.
- Tomatoes and cucumbers are basic and are easy to use in salads.
- Frozen spinach is great for smoothies and will keep in the freezer indefinitely. (banana and apple will mask the taste)
- Lettuce although it has a very short shelf-life can be a good added crunch into every sandwich and go with any meat-based dinner as a side. I suggest doing with the greener leafy types.
- Buy plain yogurt, preferably Greek yogurts, they are higher in protein and lower in carbs and taste great even when plain. Flavored yogurts, especially the ones that claim to be healthy and low fat, are often loaded with sugar. Add some honey, seeds, nuts, freshly cut fruit to your plain yogurt and voila, you’ve just made a premium quality snack. However I have to admit..I do enjoy my greek yogurt by Chobani, so you can too.
4. Stay away from the candy and chip isles, Just don’t even go down there:
What you need in the store is actually on the perimeter of it. I shop the outside of the store in the Veggies/Fruit, Meat and Diary section First. Then I go to the aisle that I need something out of. Avoid aimlessly going up and down every aisle. Not to mention its a time suck. After a while, it’ll just become a habit. If you don’t keep any unhealthy stuff in the house, you won’t eat it– it’s that simple.
5. Handpick and dig:
Pick fruits and vegetables from the bottom of the stack – choose the ones that are bright colored and the ones that feel hard when squeezed and are not bashed, wrinkled or bruised. Get meat and dairy using the same principle- from the very back and bottom of the display. You are paying the same money for it – wouldn’t you rather get some that are slightly better?
6. Get default items for default meals:
Default meals are brilliant for when you are short on time so you have something to fall back on instead of ordering a pizza. Pick two to three default meals you can make on any given day with all real and natural ingredients. Make sure when you go shopping you buy everything you need for your default meals and you’ll eat a lot healthier throughout the week.
Very often, we eat unhealthily out of convenience BUT if we make it more convenient to eat healthily – we will.
Enjoy this Sample Shopping List, use it as is or tweak to your desires.
Protein Sources
- Eggs
- Chicken or turkey breasts
- Lean pork cuts
- Wild Salmon (frozen if cheaper), or any other type of fish
- Canned tuna
- Turkey Ham
- Ground pork or beef
- Canned beans (not baked beans)
- Cottage Cheese
- Plain Greek Yoghurt
- Milk (2% fat)
- Cheese
Sources of Good Carbs:
- Oatmeal and Oats
- Fruit (apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapes) and berries (blueberries, strawberries – can be bought frozen)
- Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, red and green peppers, onions, pick up some garlic too, it’s not a veggie but it does wonders to your body and food)
- Sweet Potatoes/Yams
- Quinoa
- Rice
- Pasta
- Whole grain bread
Sources of Good Fat:
- Nuts (almonds, walnuts) and seeds (chia, flax, sunflower)
- Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter)
- Olive and coconut oils
- Coconut milk and cream (actually good for you)
- Avocados