Meatless Protein Sources
Are you a vegetarian? Do you find yourself eating high Carb meals? Or are you contemplated going vegetarian but aren’t sure what/how to replace your primary source of protein, meat and/or fish? Have you ever wonder could you maintain an “active” life and be vegetarian? Great keep reading! All humans need protein, amino acids and useful stuff in your body and there are plenty of ways for us to get it.
Useful stuff are foods which contain vitamins and the amino acids the body needs in order to create things we see and need like: hair, skin, eyes, muscle and so on. Yes its’ true you are what you eat! Energy comes from foods which contain either sugar or fat and depending on your body’s energy needs some of it will be used up immediately while the rest will be stored for later.
Vegetarians and Vegans who workout can still source everything they need for the body to build good quality muscle by eating a variety of foods which can be used to source the amino acids necessary to build protein in the body.
The next time you try out Meat-Less Monday take a look at the following list and be sure to pick up some of these things at the grocery or market.
Provolone Cheese – 7 g
Egg Whites – 3.5 g
Cottage Cheese – 25 g
Cheddar Cheese – 7 g
Mozzarella – 8 g
Ricotta Cheese (low fat) – 28 g
Parmesan – 1.9 g
Gouda Cheese – 7 g
Feta Cheese – 21 g
Swiss Cheese – 8 g
Low Fat Yogurt – 12 g
Pine Nuts – 1.2 g
Black Walnuts – 7 g
Pumpkin seeds/Squash seeds – 6.9 g
Roasted almonds – 6 g
Cashew nuts – 5 g
Hemp seeds – 5 g
Sunflower seeds – 9.6 g
Spinach – 2 g
Broccoli – 2.5 g
Brussel sprouts – 3 g
Sun-dried tomatoes – 2 g
Asparagus – 2.9 g
Cauliflower – 2 g
Lentils – 49.5 g
Peas – 7.9 g
Blackeyed Peas – 6 g
Kidney beans – 4.8 g
Soybean – 33.2 g
Oats & Oat bran – 7 g
Whole wheat spaghetti – 8.3 g
Couscous – 22 g
Bulgur – 17.2
Rye bread – 2.7 g
Whole wheat pita bread – 2.5 g
Pita bread – 5.5 g
Quinoa – 24 g
Buckwheat – 22.5 g
Mushrooms – 2.2 g
What’s your favorite meat-less recipes? Share it here.
*these protein counts were taking from Calorie Count online, the numbers can vary based on brand, serving size and cooked versus raw. You should always read the labels for yourself.