Stop for Me Time
How do you Stop all the way for me time to unwind? Whether you are an entrepreneur or work for a company, everyone should find, No Correction: everyone should Create their own me time. This time should be precious to you and known by all as your personal Do Not Disturb. No calls or emails will be answered, no work will be done or accepted. It’s the time you take to be with oneself and/or with loved ones, to recharge and to just be.
It is easy to get caught up in an 80 hour work week. Constantly on the go, chasing the dollar & a dream. Multi-tasking so well, but not getting much done. Jockeying for a promotion so you want people to see how great and productive you are. Possibly trying to keep your head above water, taking care of the things in life that matter & your needs. Pushing in one direction in avoidance of other things in your life, hoping they get better.
Bottom line: you should absolutely set at least 1 ME DAY a side weekly. Even God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah rested on the 7th day. So why shouldn’t you!
Before you say YES ask the following:
- What’s the risk vs the reward?
- Analyze and ask WHY should I do this?
- What benefits / added value will I get?
- How does this take away or add to me life?
- Will it interfere with my Me Time?
When you do not take a moment to stop and ask yourself those questions, people will not respect you or your time. They will always ask/demand something from you because your actions speak the motto: “I’m Always Open.” Being all that you can be and do is all well and good until it’s not.
It is very detrimental to you in the following ways:
- Creates a bad personal relationship with yourself
- Wears you down Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually
- Can actual cause you to be sick
- Causes you to be less productive
- Can ignite you to self destruct
- It is very damaging to the relationships that matter in your life.
Trust me! I speak from experience & I do not want to see the same for you. I challenge you to put a me day on your calendar RIGHT NOW! If that seems impossible to do, let’s start with a half day. You are absolutely worth the time off, so make it happen.
And Enjoy It!