#TreatYoself – Therapy Thursday
Welcome to my new blog column Therapy Thursday’s It can also be called Take care of Me Thursday, or Me Day, Self Care, whatever you like. But I really like #treatyoself!
For anyone who’s been looking for a good reason to #treatyoself, consider this: You probably don’t do it often enough, and putting “me time” on the back burner is a big part of why we can all feel run-down and overwhelmed.
Therapy Thursday to the rescue! I think its a great day for
self care as we lead into the weekend. I intend on sharing tips with each of you, simple ways to #treatyoself on #therapythursday
What’s the Deal?
If you know anything about me you know I am all about living a BALANCED LIFESTYLE. From Food to Fitness to Fun and that includes reFreshing, reFueling and reFining.
Often-ignored but totally necessary, self-care is any action or behavior that helps us avoid triggering health problems (like increasing our risk for heart problems due to excess stress.) Did you know self care benefits us by improving our mental and physical health through better self-esteem, less stress, and overall well-being. It’s an essential part of a healthy lifestyle that keeps us healthy, happy, and more in-tune with our minds and bodies.
And again the problem is, we probably aren’t doing enough of it.
Some suggest we neglect self-care because it can be tough to make healthy changes. Self-care is also sometimes associated with selfishness and lazy, over-indulgent behavior. This mentality might make us feel guilty for thinking we need to take a break to simply do something that makes us feel better.
I like to call is SELF-FUL-NESS!
Ignoring our needs has some dangerous side effects: It makes us more likely to get sick and can make existing conditions worse—not to mention the emotional toll of never taking a break.
That’s why taking the time to check in with your mind and body isn’t a bad thing. In fact, researchers believe the pursuit of health and happiness is far from selfish. When we take good care of ourselves, we’re likely to see an improvement in many aspects of our lives, including our physical health, relationships, and even our income. What our income… Yes because when we feel good we are more prosperous!
Plus, by making the choice to practice self-care, we have a tendency to care more for others—proving its importance for not just ourselves, but the world around us. And I believe we can all agree this world needs more LOVE. We are all familiar with the term be the change you want to see. So why not start by #treatingyoself
What will you do this week to #treatyoself? Share it below.