What’s all the Buzz about?
So last year I tried my hand at a little garden growing…. I have to admit. I was not the most successful. It started off good, then I just got busy, didn’t water the plants properly and yup you guessed it, they died. But I refuse to be defeated especially since I know a garden just can’t live on its own.
- 4 different types of mint,
- 2 basil plants,
- 2 sage,
- 4 different lavender plants,
- 4 rosemary,
- 2 Cilantro plants,
- 2 lemon thyme,
- 1 parsley
- AND – I even added Stevia to the mix.
Ok side note. Holy Cow does Stevia grow and fast! I had to re-pot it TWICE within 30 days. That plant got so big it was falling out of the pot, so I cut all the stalks down and its growing right back like nothing happened. More on Stevia and what to do with in in another post.
- Lavender – Did I mention I have 4.
- Thyme – 2 of those
- Marigolds – Got some of that also
Who knew I was contributing to the life and wellness of bees and our population! No wonder my backyard is buzzing and these guys thought it would be a great area to build a hive. Sorry guys you can hit up the flowers all you want but the hive is where I had to draw the line.
Of course I jumped in knee deep with my second attempt at gardening and so far so good! You too can help, all you need is a flower pot. For those in NYC you can set in on your stoop, window seal or fire escape. And by the way not only does lavender smell amazing you can use it.